The Gethsemane believers group in Phangnga, located in Tai Chang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phangnga Province, is a surveillance area for the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Although the outbreak is not as severe as in other major provinces, but the number of infected people are increasing every day. Which at present, Phangnga Province has a cumulative total of 901 cases (according to the Phangnga Provincial Public Health Office). The provincial government has quarantine measures in each district (Local Quarantine) and intensively campaigns for everyone to wear face mask, regular hand washing and social distancing. Religious activities can still be carried out under strict surveillance measures. The Gethsemane Group of Believer Phangnga also have Sunday services because of our members are not dense and they are not live in the risk area. Most of our members are live around the Gethsemane Group of Believer Phangnga’s area. In addition, Gethsemane Church, Phuket which is the mother church was also provided a budget to the Gethsemane Group of Believer Phangnga to purchase some dry food, rice, vegetable oil, etc. for the members who were in hardship during this period. At present, the mother church has not been able to go to worship with them normally for more than a month, but has been taking care the members of the Gethsemane Group of Believer Phangnga through online channels every Sunday, online Home Church every Thursday night. and praying together every Friday night, thank God.