Thank God for the upcoming Christmas season—a time to give thanks, celebrate the Good News of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and to share the gospel. It is an opportunity to tell the story of God's love and salvation to those who have yet to know Him. Throughout December, many churches in the Vision Thailand Ministry are organizing special events to proclaim God’s love. Events in Various Churches:

* Mae Ai Christian Fellowship Church
1. Christmas at Ban Dong Ministry: Saturday, December 7, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM.
2. Christmas at Sri Don Kaew Market: Saturday, December 14, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM.

* Tard Noi Christian Fellowship Church
1. Huay Ma Yom Believers Group: Attendance of 80 people.
2. Den Luang Believers Group.

A Prayer of Blessing:
May God bless everyone, including those who have decided to accept Jesus Christ and those who have heard the gospel story, that they may experience His greatest love. May God bless every church, pastor, church leader, and member to be instrumental in sharing His story and leading many in their communities to salvation in the name of Jesus Christ. May this joyous season bring blessings to all.