Vision Thailand Ministries
1. Vision Thailand Ministry exists to proclaim the Living Hope available to mankind through Christ Jesus by the God’s Holy Spirit, for God's eternal Glory
2. We operate as an organisation of churches in Thailand under the umbrella of Vision Thailand Christian Fellowship of Churches. (VTCF)
3. VTCF is registered under the Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand. (EFT)
4. VTCF is a Spirit-filled, Christ-centered, Kingdom-oriented, family group of Churches with an emphasis on every church member being a minister in the church and communities they reside in.
5. Our prayerful desire is to see every member living a life of vibrant faith and worship to the living God. Living faith is demonstrated by a powerful prayer lifestyle leading to a life which shows forth the nature and character of Christ, in day by day living.
6. Vision Thailand Ministry also functions as a charity under Vision Thailand Foundation.
7. Vision Thailand Ministry welcomes your partnership in the gospel through sponsorship of new church plants or the training of new leaders.
8. Vision Thailand operates its own Leadership Development and Church Planting School for the training & equipping of new leaders for Christian Ministry.
9. Our motto. "To spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples."
VTCF churches are an indigenous, nonpolitical association of Christian churches. Our objective is to Glorify God in all things and provide member churches with an identity and structure that facilitate Christian vision, unity and pastoral care.
Every VTCF church is autonomous and is free to worship God or conduct their business or worship meetings in their own culture, language & style, providing it does not conflict with the statements of faith and vision objectives of our organisation.
Therefore each VTCF church may choose its own individual church name, place of meeting (whether it be a home, a rented building, or a permanent structure that they buy or build) and meeting style and format.
The VTCF board has the desire to see a multiplication mindset in planting new churches. We partner with the body of Christ worldwide to use our resources of people, finance, experience, and equipment in order to see new church planting endeavors take place. We particularly target areas where there is a population of 10,000 or more people with no church or very little Christian witness.
Our Commission.
* To bring the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the remaining evangelized peoples with the utmost urgency.
* To demonstrate the compassion of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to a needy world.
* To plant churches and develop those who believe in order to lead them to spiritual maturity
* To teach, encourage, inspire and model to every Thai believer in our churches the need to have a close relationship with the living God as well as having a passion for Jesus Christ.
* To inspire Thai believers in their knowledge and understanding, as well as put into practice the principles from His Divine Word.
* To establish the Kingdom of God and see churches multiplying in order and see His name praised and glorified throughout Thailand.
Mission Statement (Why we exist)
Our mission is to proclaim Jesus Christ to Thai & ASEAN people in order to plant churches and see the transformation of their communities by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Vision StatementVision Statement (What we want to achieve)
VTM is committed to seeing a strong Christian community of believers equipped and empowered in their faith, continually bringing people into a dynamic encounter with Jesus Christ and supporting one another in the expansion of God’s Kingdom.
Our Aim
Our aim is to be relevant, contemporary and excellent in all of our presentation of the gospel and the discipling of believers, as well as being prophetic in our message and lifestyle.
How we plan to achieve our vision.
1. We desire to see people develop and deepen a personal relationship and passion for God.
2. We desire each person to be led into personal freedom from sin’s grasp by the power and impact of the Holy Spirit
3. We desire to develop people who are developing in a life of responsive praise and worship to God.
4. We desire to develop people who are growing in their knowledge of, and obedience to the Word of God – the Bible.
5. We desire each member to be involved in the process of bringing others to Jesus Christ. We must obey the great commission to reach all peoples with the gospel of Jesus Christ starting in our communities then moving outwards. We encourage every believer to be mission focused active, relevant and involved in evangelism both local and across borders.
6. We aim to develop people who are growing in their ability to recognize and respond to the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
7. We are committed to the belief that God has gifted every believer for some dimension of ministry. Our desire is to help identify, train and deploy that gifting.
8. We will endeavor to create a community of believers who love one another meaningfully and worship together regularly.
9. We encourage each believer to be an effective prophetic voice for the Kingdom Of God.
1. The foundation of VTCF Churches is the Lord Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 3:11). Its code of guidance in all its affairs is the Word of God. Our organisation affirms its faith that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of Almighty God (Mark 13:31).
2. The object of our member churches shall be to worship God according to the teaching of His Word, to practice the precepts and examples of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ as set forth in the New Testament, to instruct believers in healthy doctrine and biblical principles and to preach and propagate among all peoples the Gospel of Salvation which is personal faith on Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
3. The priorities of ministry from our churches flow from the vision of God’s glory revealed in Jesus Christ. We exist to enjoy this vision in personal worship (John 4:23), strengthen the vision in nurture and education (I Corinthians 14:26; II Peter 3:18) and spread the vision in evangelism, missions, and loving deeds (I Peter 2:9, 3:15; Matthew 28:18-20; 5:16).
1. Prayer We are convinced that prayer is a priority. We need to model, teach and encourage our believers in ways which will result in more sustained intercession on the part of every believer.
2. Worship True worship is the celebration and adoration of God’s character and activities. We desire to see local believers whose lives are lived in a constant attitude of worship.
3. Gods Word. God's Word - The Bible reveals to us who God is and how He acts. God's Word is timeless and sure. We have a sure word and through its pages we begin to understand our purpose here on earth. We believe that Gods Word must also be relevant and easily understood by society around us.
4. Evangelism We desire boldness and passion to take the love, truth and salvation message to every person who is perishing. We promote evangelism as one of the highest values of the church. We need to be culturally relevant. We need to train and equip all believers in evangelism, to liberate all believers to discover their own evangelistic style, to model evangelism and impart a passion for the lost and encourage each church to set up local evangelistic teams.
5. Discipleship We are seeking to produce people who will be, and will reproduce people who are spiritually mature, who submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every thought, word and deed. Discipleship is not a study programme but a lifelong commitment to a transformed life in which Jesus Christ becomes more and more visible and glorified..
6. Relationships We value our relationship with God and by teaching and worshiping we seek to improve it both individually and as a community. The best times spent in any day are those minutes we spend as a 'quiet time” with God. Time which is essential for spiritual growth. We also value interpersonal relationships, and that is why we emphasize the value of weekly small group meetings within the church context.
7. Church Planting. We will plant churches whose focus is a balance of outreach, worship, fellowship, discipleship and service. We desire to infuse vision, teaching and ministry philosophy that will encourage churches to mobilise the whole body of believers. We want to plant contextualised churches who are able to grow within their own culture, as long as that cultural preference is not in conflict with Biblical teaching.
8. Leadership training. We are committed to leadership development and continual recruitment of potential new leaders who will be trained and mobilised to provide leadership for local church ministry. We want to empower leadership to function in the body in such a way as to equip others for service.
9. Dignity of all people. We value all people regardless of race, sex, age or position in society.
10. Authenticity & Servant heartedness. We value and respect authentic people. We especially value servant leaders who are willing at times to do practical everyday duties such as taking a turn at sweeping floors.
11. Integrity. We value and respect people with integrity.
12. Vulnerability. We value vulnerability. People who know they can potentially fall, therefore must depend on God.
13. Family God ordained from the beginning of creation that men and women should marry and live together as family. Children are nurtured best - physically, psychologically and spiritually within the family. We will do all we can to target whole families with the gospel.
14. Youth. We believe in youth. They are the church of today - not the church of tomorrow. We devote a major proportion of our resources to youth ministry.
15. Worldwide mission. We will encourage the church to release key personnel with a missionary calling and for the church to facilitate a structure to become a missionary sending church.
16. Networking for the kingdom of God. We believe it is essential for local churches (who believe in the deity of Jesus and the gospel message,) in any community to network especially in the areas of prayer and worship for revival to see the kingdom of God advance.
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God and that every person deserves the opportunity to hear and study God's Word.
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is active in the world to reveal the person and plan of God to all people.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
We believe that the eternal salvation of lost and sinful people is brought about only through faith in Jesus Christ through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit.
We believe we must help people who have not yet heard the Gospel of eternal salvation to have an opportunity to hear and understand this message as revealed in the Bible.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling a christian is enabled to live a godly life.
We believe that the transformation of the Christian's life will bring about transformation in the family, community, culture and nation.
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
Vision Thailand Ministry churches are springing up all over Thailand as God leads. VTM churches are working in urban, rural and mountain tribal regions. The churches worship using Thai, tribal or even neighbouring languages such as Burmese, Laotian etc as the main language and culture. This movie clip introduces some of our churches and the leaders who run them. It’s quite long, so make yourself comfortable then settle in for some encouraging viewing.
Copyright © 2024 Vision Thailand Ministries